📕 Node [[patents already have fairly rich classifications ipc and cpc did you lean on these hierarchical]]
↳ 📓 Resource @enki/patents already have fairly rich classifications ipc and cpc did you lean on these hierarchical
📄 Patents-already-have-fairly-rich-classifications--IPC-and-CPC----did-you-lean-on-these-hierarchical.md by @enki

Patents already have fairly rich classifications (IPC and CPC) — did you

lean on these hierarchical…

Patents already have fairly rich classifications (IPC and CPC) — did you lean on these hierarchical classification tags when training your categorization model?

By John Ohno on January 5, 2020.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/patents-already-have-fairly-rich- classifications-ipc-and-cpc-did-you-lean-on-these-hierarchical-eba28918354f)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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